Should you open the Caravan Strongbox in Baldur’s Gate 3?

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Should you open the Caravan Strongbox in Baldur’s Gate 3?

In the universe of Baldur’s Gate 3, journeying to the Zhentarim Basement or encountering several Gnoll packs might lead you to the Caravan Strongbox, a notable item tied to the “Find the Missing Shipment” mission. While the prospect of unlocking the box is alluring, doing so might forfeit particular rewards.

Upon triumphing over a band of Gnolls, either through raw strength or by manipulating them into turning on one another, Rugan entrusts you with the strongbox. You then have the option to either market it in Baldur’s Gate or retrieve it directly from him.

To access the contents of the box, one must succeed a Sleight of Hand skill check with a value of 20. The subsequent sections delve into the implications of either unlocking or retaining the sealed Caravan Strongbox.

Unlocking the Caravan Strongbox Reveals: Upon doing so, three items come into view: a Potion of Invisibility, a sum of 11 gold coins, and a unique Iron Flask. The Iron Flask, when examined, prompts an Arcana Intelligence test requiring a score of 10. Success reveals that a creature is imprisoned within the flask.

Releasing or shattering the flask liberates a level 5 Spectator, triggering a skirmish. Despite the ensuing victory, the adversary yields no immediate treasures, leaving the long-term consequences uncertain.

If you opt to bring the unlocked strongbox to the Zhentarim, anticipate their aggression and prepare for confrontation.

Retaining the Sealed Caravan Strongbox Permits: You have the liberty to either hand it over to Zarys, situated in the Zhentarim Basement beneath Waukeen’s Rest, or to negotiate its price at Baldur’s Gate.

Upon surrendering it to Zarys, she bestows upon you an exceptional heavy crossbow. Simultaneously, Brem, the local merchant, offers a broader range of goods for purchase.

Editorial Remark: If Zarys doesn’t accept the strongbox, a brief sojourn at the camp might be necessary, allowing Rugan to revert to the basement. Zarys only recognizes the box in Rugan’s absence or demise.

At the moment of this publication, we haven’t yet ventured with the box to Baldur’s Gate. Nevertheless, we anticipate this journey in our principal gaming session and commit to sharing any significant findings.

Desiring Both the Opened Strongbox and its Rewards? It’s possible! After offering the lockbox to Zarys, one could potentially pilfer it from her, contingent on a successful Sleight of Hand skill check. If detected during this stealthy retrieval, one must employ Deception, Persuasion, or Intimidation to dissuade her pursuit. In our experience, a Charisma roll of DC 15 was necessitated upon choosing Deception.

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